- They should not be left out where people can see them
- They should be changed regularly
- You should not lend them out to anyone
- The longer the better
Password Humour
During a recent password audit by Google, it was found that a user was using the following password: “MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofyMelbourne”
When asked why they had such a long password, they rolled their eyes and said: “Hello! It has to be at least 8 characters long and include at least one capital.”
Two elderly people discussing their passwords. One says I have changed my password to “Incorrect”. The other one asked why?
Response: Well if I forget it and enter the wrong one the system will say “Your password is incorrect”.
The following article from Symantec. Written in 2002 but still relevant.
Changing your Network Password
Password policies that are setup by Omeka Tech prompts users to change their password 7 days before their password will expire. What we have found is that most users ignore this notification and then are locked out of their systems. To change your password when you are prompted you can simply do the following”
- Select Ctrl + Alt + Delete
- Select change password
- Enter in your old password and then the new passwords and confirm the new password.
If you fail to change your password and you get locked out, you will need to contact us.
Omeka tech recommends the following Password Complexity Guidelines as Best Practice
- Must be at least 8 characters
- Not used in the previous 7 passwords
- Maximum age of 90 days
- Not changed in the last day
- Does not contain your account or full name
- Contains at least 3 of the 4-character groups
- English Upper-case letter
- English lower-case letters
- Numbers
- Special characters like:! @ # $ %
Tips for choosing a password:
- Don’t use personal information
- Don’t use the same password for online banking
- Never give your password out to anyone over the phone
- Do not document online or in a computer file.
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